EU Fit for 55 Package Summary – Part 3

EU Fit for 55 Package Summary – Part 3

In the previous two postings, the changes proposed to existing legislation, along with planned new legislation, by the EU in their “Fit for Fifty Five” aspiration were outlined. Here we set out some bullet point thoughts and comments on the proposals. What...
EU Fit for 55 Package Summary – Part 2

EU Fit for 55 Package Summary – Part 2

Part 2 Following on from Part 1 of the Energex summary of the details of the EU’S proposed updates to existing legislation announced on 14th July as part of the “Fit for Fifty Five” package of measures, Energex’s Ulrich Arnheiter now sets out the new legislative...
Brent once again hit’s the newswires…..

Brent once again hit’s the newswires…..

Once again Brent hits the newswires with the issuance of a joint paper by Platts and ICE and the opening of a consultation. And again, with the supporters of Johan Sverdrup lined up on one side and the WTI acolytes on the other, the only question is which is Scylla...