Behavioural Psychology and the Outlook for Oil

Behavioural Psychology and the Outlook for Oil

At the risk of entering an already overcrowded arena of comment, counter comment, important research and (predictably) fake news, what is the Energex take on the outlook for the likely trend in the demand for and the price of crude oil and oil products?...
The Road to Net Zero Green House Gases (GHG)

The Road to Net Zero Green House Gases (GHG)

Trevor Turner is a management consultant and chartered engineer (electricity) and was previously a director and senior manager in the UK power and gas sectors. For more information go to He shares his views here on the efforts so far to reduce GHGs....
LNG Markets Will Strengthen Post Crisis

LNG Markets Will Strengthen Post Crisis

Neal Shear, private investor in energy assets and adviser to private equity funds, shares his view on the future of LNG post COVID-19 crisis.  The LNG markets were suffering prior to the full blown COVID-19 pandemic. The current situation of excess liquidity is being...