Traders and Trading – what’s it all about?

Traders and Trading – what’s it all about?

“One day I’m feeling down on the ground, the next I’m up in the air” Sandie Shaw could have been singing about traders in her 1969 Eurovision Song Contest winner, “Puppet on a String”. The psyche of the trader is binary. They rarely find...
Traits of Good Leadership and can it be taught?

Traits of Good Leadership and can it be taught?

“I am the monarch of all I survey; My right there is none to dispute; From the centre all round to the sea I am the lord of the foul and the brute” (William Cowper: 1731-1800) Writing his “The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk” in the late 18th...
Plus Ça Change!

Plus Ça Change!

The mire that the Hin Leong organisation have got themselves into has turned the spotlight, yet again, on conduct in the commodity trading business. The world of commodities is no stranger to instances of losses of heroic levels, going all the way back to Kloeckner in...