LNG & Gas Model (LGM)

The Energex LNG & Gas Model (LGM) is a highly flexible and transparent tool for analysing global flows, balances and prices, whether this is focused-on short-term changes or assessing long-term change stemming from decarbonisation policies.

The LGM provides clients with a granular insight into the supply and demand of gas in the European market through detailed assessment of the various sources of LNG supply and by evaluating the net balance of European gas markets, combined with monthly pricing forecasts.

The flexibility of the LGM allows clients to run multiple scenarios using different data sources, in addition to up-to-date historic data.

Model Input Data

Global LNG Exports & Imports Coal Switching Potential in Power Sector 
Gas Production & Demand Commodity Prices
Storage & Net Pipeline Flows

Conversion Efficiencies

Forecasting Framework

Historical & Statistical Trends 3rd party Forecasts
Energy Transition Scenarios:
Current policies, Net Zero 2050, IEA Scenarios, etc.
User Defined Scenarios

Calculation Engine


Physical Gas Model

Pricing Model

Model Outputs


Net Flows & Balances

Pricing Bands & Forecasts

Key Client Benefits


  1. Insights into dynamics of the global LNG market
  2. European gas market analysis, hub pricing and forecasts
  3. Valuation and investment decision support tool
  4. Understanding of the key seasonal implications
  5. Ability to run multiple, bespoke scenarios