CCUS Industry Roadmap Development for Middle East NOC

CCUS Industry Roadmap Development for Middle East NOC

CCUS Industry Roadmap Development for Middle East NOC

Commercial Advisory - Environmental Products

The Engagement:

Commercial Advisory

The Client:

Middle East NOC

The Challenge:

Developing an industry roadmap for carbon capture and storage (CCUS) from scratch, based upon the emerging mineralisation CO2 storage process.


Sep 2023-March 2024

How Energex helped:

  • Advising on best practice for regulatory regimes across sub surface issues, verification & credit generation and HSSE.
  • Provision of a detailed analysis of the CCUS value chain including the commercial drivers for each segment (capture, transport, storage) contractual issues and business models for CCUS projects.
  • Detailed assessment of carbon markets and the different value pools for CCUS projects covering compliance, voluntary and Article 6, with a focus on price evolution and forecasts.
  • Delivery of a detailed economic model for CCUS projects in the Emirate to enable to the client to assess economic returns from different business models and review proposals.
  • Review and assessment of commercial Heads of Terms put forward by a potential project developer.

Tangible Impact:

  • Energex was able to provide valuable support for the client during COP 28, participating in a roundtable event and a session within the Blue Zone that publicised the opportunity.
  • The materials provided were key in educating the board and key stakeholders on CCUS and the potential opportunity from different participation options.
  • Important support to the client’s team in its negotiation with a potential investor.